이 책은 이탈리아 Valle Camonica(발레 카모니카)를 현장 조사하여 편집한 책으로, 이미지와 단어를 통해 우리에게 익숙한 것과는 거리가 먼 산악 목초지의 삶, 규칙과 리듬에 대해 말합니다.
"여기에 오기 위해서는 경쟁보다 모든 것을 함께해야 합니다. 고원은 함께 있기를 요구하며, 우리를 거대한 생명체의 일부로 느끼게 하며 이를 수용하고 환대를 바랍니다." -Giusi Quarenghi
Men and beasts, water and pastures, sun and rain, rock and shelters. And a time spent up there – in the highlands of the Valle Camonica –, long enough to induce a certain way of settling, of moving, of ascending and descending, of finding food and consuming it, of staying there and understanding life. Two places, two mountain pastures, two plunges. The emergence of a story composed of several voices that accompany us into this world, a little distant and yet so real.
Through images and words, Lassù offers an account of life among the mountain pastures, its rules and rhythms that are so far removed from what most of us are used to. The book, edited by Elena Turetti, is the result of fieldwork in Valle Camonica. It combines Sara Donati's illustrations, which range from wide-ranging landscapes to the smallest everyday actions; Stefano Graziani's photographs, which reveal the placid presence of grazing cows, reflecting the care for animals shown by people; and Alessandro Ruffini's photographs, where the traces of human presence reveal a world made up of "other" needs and habits.
The narration in pictures is punctuated by texts by Elena Turetti, Giusi Quarenghi and Marco Milzani, from which emerges the equal, intimate and inescapable relationship with the surrounding environment - with the sky that dictates daily activities, with things, with animals - of which life here is comprised. “To be here, you need to work together with everything rather than compete. The highlands demand cohabitation, they make us feel part of an immense living body, which hosts and in turn asks for hospitality.” (Giusi Quarenghi).
이 책은 이탈리아 Valle Camonica(발레 카모니카)를 현장 조사하여 편집한 책으로, 이미지와 단어를 통해 우리에게 익숙한 것과는 거리가 먼 산악 목초지의 삶, 규칙과 리듬에 대해 말합니다.
"여기에 오기 위해서는 경쟁보다 모든 것을 함께해야 합니다. 고원은 함께 있기를 요구하며, 우리를 거대한 생명체의 일부로 느끼게 하며 이를 수용하고 환대를 바랍니다." -Giusi Quarenghi
Men and beasts, water and pastures, sun and rain, rock and shelters. And a time spent up there – in the highlands of the Valle Camonica –, long enough to induce a certain way of settling, of moving, of ascending and descending, of finding food and consuming it, of staying there and understanding life. Two places, two mountain pastures, two plunges. The emergence of a story composed of several voices that accompany us into this world, a little distant and yet so real.
Through images and words, Lassù offers an account of life among the mountain pastures, its rules and rhythms that are so far removed from what most of us are used to. The book, edited by Elena Turetti, is the result of fieldwork in Valle Camonica. It combines Sara Donati's illustrations, which range from wide-ranging landscapes to the smallest everyday actions; Stefano Graziani's photographs, which reveal the placid presence of grazing cows, reflecting the care for animals shown by people; and Alessandro Ruffini's photographs, where the traces of human presence reveal a world made up of "other" needs and habits.
The narration in pictures is punctuated by texts by Elena Turetti, Giusi Quarenghi and Marco Milzani, from which emerges the equal, intimate and inescapable relationship with the surrounding environment - with the sky that dictates daily activities, with things, with animals - of which life here is comprised. “To be here, you need to work together with everything rather than compete. The highlands demand cohabitation, they make us feel part of an immense living body, which hosts and in turn asks for hospitality.” (Giusi Quarenghi).