저자: Axel Drieschner, Florentine Nadolni, Tanja Scheffler, Sylke Wunderlich
출판사: M Books
분야: 인테리어, 디자인
쪽수: 160
판형: 233×315mm
제본: 무선
언어: 영어, 독어
발행일: 2019년 4월
Shaping Everyday Life! Bauhaus Modernism in de GDR
바우하우스 100주년을 기념하기 위해 아이젠후텐슈타트 일상 문화 기록 센터에서 동독(GDR)의 바우하우스 유산에 대한 전시회를 개최하며 함께 발행되었습니다.
To celebrate 2019, the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus, the Documentation Centre of Everyday Culture in Eisenhüttenstadt assembled an exhibition on Bauhaus heritage in the GDR (East Germany). Aiming to address continuities while also revealing contradictions and gaps in the development of modern design and everyday culture in the GDR, the exhibition refers to the reformist tradition of a school that was based on interdisciplinary methods and broad social design perspective. Through a wealth of image material, this catalogue presents a five-chapter overview of the exhibition’s thematic range, with objects including furniture, receptacles, technical devices, and commercial art.
Shaping Everyday Life! Bauhaus Modernism in de GDR
바우하우스 100주년을 기념하기 위해 아이젠후텐슈타트 일상 문화 기록 센터에서 동독(GDR)의 바우하우스 유산에 대한 전시회를 개최하며 함께 발행되었습니다.
To celebrate 2019, the 100th anniversary of the Bauhaus, the Documentation Centre of Everyday Culture in Eisenhüttenstadt assembled an exhibition on Bauhaus heritage in the GDR (East Germany). Aiming to address continuities while also revealing contradictions and gaps in the development of modern design and everyday culture in the GDR, the exhibition refers to the reformist tradition of a school that was based on interdisciplinary methods and broad social design perspective. Through a wealth of image material, this catalogue presents a five-chapter overview of the exhibition’s thematic range, with objects including furniture, receptacles, technical devices, and commercial art.