저자: Sabine Finkenauer
출판사: Fotokino
분야: 미술, 회화, 일러스트레이션
크기: 160x210mm
쪽수: 80
제본: 무선
언어: 영어
발행일: 2021년 10월
La Funambule sur le fil d'une tendre géométrie
Sabine Finkenauer의 작품집. 종이와 캔버스에 그림을 그리고, 색상과 구성 및 리듬이 교차하는 콜라주 또는 조각을 만듭니다.
This book reviews Sabine Finkenauer's most recent series and was published on the occasion of her exhibition at Studio Fotokino in June 2021. Born in 1961 in Rockenhausen (Germany), Sabine Finkenauer practiced sculpture for a long time before expanding her work to other media, especially since 1993, when she moved to Barcelona. The forms that Sabine Finkenauer invents have the simplicity of the essential and the grace of insouciance. She draws on paper, paints on canvas, makes collages or sculptures, where colors, constructions and rhythms intersect, sometimes evoking architectural structures, familiar objects or plant structures without ever designating them with certainty.
La Funambule sur le fil d'une tendre géométrie
Sabine Finkenauer의 작품집. 종이와 캔버스에 그림을 그리고, 색상과 구성 및 리듬이 교차하는 콜라주 또는 조각을 만듭니다.
This book reviews Sabine Finkenauer's most recent series and was published on the occasion of her exhibition at Studio Fotokino in June 2021. Born in 1961 in Rockenhausen (Germany), Sabine Finkenauer practiced sculpture for a long time before expanding her work to other media, especially since 1993, when she moved to Barcelona. The forms that Sabine Finkenauer invents have the simplicity of the essential and the grace of insouciance. She draws on paper, paints on canvas, makes collages or sculptures, where colors, constructions and rhythms intersect, sometimes evoking architectural structures, familiar objects or plant structures without ever designating them with certainty.